
cromosim.comp.iteration(it, Nrooms, DoorRoomCapacity, NPir, NPrir, NPwir, Nior, List_iOr, T_iOr, Flux)[source]

To run one iteration (which corresponds to 1 second) of the compartment model. The compartments shall be identified to nodes of a network, those nodes are connected by edges, which correspond to paths between nodesself.

it: integer

iteration number

Nrooms: int

number of rooms

DoorRoomCapacity: numpy array

capacities of each door (number of persons per second)

NPir: numpy array

numbers of persons for each room

NPrir: numpy array

inlets for each room

NPwir: numpy array

numbers of persons who are waiting to leave each room

Nior: numpy array

numbers of inlets for each room

List_iOr: numpy array

room numbers associated to the inlets for each room

T_iOr: numpy array

travel times to cross each room

Flux: numpy array

numbers of persons upstream the exits

Flux: numpy array

new numbers of persons upstream the exits

NPir: numpy array

new numbers of persons for each room

NPwir: numpy array

new numbers of persons who are waiting to leave each room

NPrir: numpy array

new inlets for each room

cromosim.comp.plot_compt(ifig, RoomNames, RoomCenters, DoorCenters, CircAngles, NPir, NPrir, NPwir, Nior, List_iOr, dom, area, savefig=False, filename='fig.png', title='')[source]

To draw

ifig: int

figure number

RoomNames: list

number of rooms

RoomCenters: numpy array

coordinates of the room centers

DoorCenters: numpy array

coordinates of the door centers

CircAngles: numpy array

rotational angles of the half-disks localized at each door

NPir: numpy array

numbers of persons for each room

NPrir: numpy array

inlets for each room

NPwir: numpy array

numbers of persons who are waiting to leave each room

Nior: numpy array

numbers of inlets for each room

List_iOr: numpy array

room numbers associated to the inlets for each room

dom: Domain

contains everything for managing the domain

area: float

typical area size in m^2 of one individual

savefig: boolean

writes the figure as a png file if true

filename: string

png filename used to write the figure

title: string

title of the figure