Source code for cromosim.comp

# Authors:
#     Sylvain Faure <>
#     Bertrand Maury <>
# License: GPL

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib.patches import Polygon, Wedge
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection

[docs] def iteration(it, Nrooms, DoorRoomCapacity, NPir, NPrir, NPwir, Nior, List_iOr, T_iOr, Flux): """ To run one iteration (which corresponds to 1 second) of the compartment \ model. The compartments shall be identified to nodes of a network, those \ nodes are connected by edges, which correspond to paths between nodesself. Parameters ---------- it: integer iteration number Nrooms: int number of rooms DoorRoomCapacity: numpy array capacities of each door (number of persons per second) NPir: numpy array numbers of persons for each room NPrir: numpy array inlets for each room NPwir: numpy array numbers of persons who are waiting to leave each room Nior: numpy array numbers of inlets for each room List_iOr: numpy array room numbers associated to the inlets for each room T_iOr: numpy array travel times to cross each room Flux: numpy array numbers of persons upstream the exits Returns ------- Flux: numpy array new numbers of persons upstream the exits NPir: numpy array new numbers of persons for each room NPwir: numpy array new numbers of persons who are waiting to leave each room NPrir: numpy array new inlets for each room """ for ir in np.arange(Nrooms): Flux[it, ir] = min(DoorRoomCapacity[ir], NPwir[it-1, ir]) for ir in np.arange(Nrooms): NPir[it, ir] = NPir[it-1, ir]-Flux[it, ir] NPwir[it, ir] = NPwir[it-1, ir]-Flux[it, ir] for k in np.arange(Nior[ir]): NPir[it, ir] += Flux[it, int(List_iOr[ir, k])] timelag = int(T_iOr[ir, k]) if timelag < it: NPwir[it, ir] += Flux[it-timelag, int(List_iOr[ir, k])] NPrir[ir, k] = 0 for i in np.arange(min(it, timelag)): NPrir[ir, k] += Flux[it-i, int(List_iOr[ir, k])] return Flux, NPir, NPwir, NPrir
[docs] def plot_compt(ifig, RoomNames, RoomCenters, DoorCenters, CircAngles, NPir, NPrir, NPwir, Nior, List_iOr, dom, area, savefig=False, filename='fig.png', title=''): """ To draw Parameters ---------- ifig: int figure number RoomNames: list number of rooms RoomCenters: numpy array coordinates of the room centers DoorCenters: numpy array coordinates of the door centers CircAngles: numpy array rotational angles of the half-disks localized at each door NPir: numpy array numbers of persons for each room NPrir: numpy array inlets for each room NPwir: numpy array numbers of persons who are waiting to leave each room Nior: numpy array numbers of inlets for each room List_iOr: numpy array room numbers associated to the inlets for each room dom: Domain contains everything for managing the domain area: float typical area size in m^2 of one individual savefig: boolean writes the figure as a png file if true filename: string png filename used to write the figure title: string title of the figure """ Nr = DoorCenters.shape[0] plt.figure(ifig) plt.clf() ax0 = plt.subplot(111) ax0.imshow(dom.image, interpolation='nearest', extent=[dom.xmin, dom.xmax, dom.ymin, dom.ymax], origin='lower') circles0 = [] colors0 = [] m2 = NPir*area # surface demi-cercle = pi*R^2/2 = m2 => R = sqrt(2*m2/pi) R = np.sqrt(2*m2/np.pi) for id, name in enumerate(RoomNames): wedge = Wedge( (DoorCenters[id, 0], DoorCenters[id, 1]), R[id], 0+CircAngles[id], 180+CircAngles[id], ec="none" ) circles0.append(wedge) ax0.text( RoomCenters[id, 0], RoomCenters[id, 1], str(int(NPir[id])), fontsize=10) colors0.append(0.0) for ir in np.arange(Nr): for id in np.arange(Nior[ir]): jr = List_iOr[ir, id] xx0 = DoorCenters[ir, 0] yy0 = DoorCenters[ir, 1] xx1 = DoorCenters[jr, 0] yy1 = DoorCenters[jr, 1] # line: [xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1] len = np.sqrt((xx0-xx1)**2+(yy0-yy1)**2) s = 0.5*NPrir[ir, id]*area/len circles0.append( Polygon(np.array([[xx0-s, yy0], [xx0+s, yy0], [xx1+s, yy1], [xx1-s, yy1]]), closed=True, fill=True)) colors0.append(1.0) # for line in Lines: # ##l: [xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1] # s = l[] # circles0.append(Polygon(np.array([[], []]), True) patches0 = PatchCollection(circles0,, alpha=0.6, linewidth=0 ) patches0.set_array(np.array(colors0)) ax0.add_collection(patches0) ax0.set_xticks([]) ax0.set_yticks([]) ax0.axis('off') ax0.set_title(title) plt.draw() if savefig: plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300)