Domain class used to build the computational domain¶
(name='Domain', background='White', pixel_size=1.0, xmin=0.0, width=100, ymin=0.0, height=100)[source]¶ Bases:
- To define the computational domain :
a background : empty (white) or a PNG image which only contains the colors white, red (for the doors) and black (for the walls)
supplementary doors represented by matplotlib shapes : line2D
supplementary walls represented by matplotlib shapes : line2D, circle, ellipse, rectangle or polygon
To compute the obstacle distances and the desired velocities
An example with a domain built using only shape elements : cromosim/examples/
An example with a domain built using an image and shape elements : cromosim/examples/
- Attributes
- pixel_sizefloat
size of a pixel in meters
- widthint
width of the background image (number of pixels)
- heightint
height of the background image (number of pixels)
- xminfloat
x coordinate of the origin (bottom left corner)
- xmaxfloat
xmax = xmin + width*pixel_size
- yminfloat
y coordinate of the origin (bottom left corner)
- ymaxfloat
ymax = ymin + height*pixel_size
- Xnumpy array
x coordinates (meshgrid)
- Ynumpy array
y coordinates (meshgrid)
- imagenumpy array
pixel array (r,g,b,a) The Pillow image is converted to a numpy arrays, then using flipud the origin of the image is put it down left instead the top left
- image_rednumpy array
red values of the image (r,g,b,a)
- image_greennumpy array
green values of the image (r,g,b,a)
- image_bluenumpy array
blue values of the image (r,g,b,a)
- masknumpy array
boolean array : true for black pixels
- mask_idnumpy array
black pixel indices
- wall_distancenumpy array
distance (m) to the wall
- wall_grad_Xnumpy array
gradient of the distance to the wall (first component)
- wall_grad_Ynumpy array
gradient of the distance to the wall (second component)
- door_distancenumpy array
distance (m) to the door
- desired_velocity_Xnumpy array
opposite of the gradient of the distance to the door : desired velocity (first component)
- desired_velocity_Ynumpy array
opposite of the gradient of the distance to the door : desired velocity (second component)
(self, shape)To add a door represented by matplotlib shapes : line2D (only)
(self, shape)To add a wall represented by matplotlib shapes : line2D, circle, ellipse, rectangle or polygon
(self)To build the domain : reads the background image (if supplied) and initializes all the color arrrays
(self)To compute the geodesic distance to the doors in using a fast-marching method.
(self)To compute the geodesic distance to the walls in using a fast-marching method
(self[, id, dpi])To plot the computational domain
(self[, id, dpi])To plot the desired velocity
(self[, id, dpi])To plot the wall distances
(self, shape)[source]¶ To add a door represented by matplotlib shapes : line2D (only)
- Parameters
- shapematplotlib shape
(self, shape)[source]¶ To add a wall represented by matplotlib shapes : line2D, circle, ellipse, rectangle or polygon
- Parameters
- shapematplotlib shape
line2D, circle, ellipse, rectangle or polygon
(self)[source]¶ To build the domain : reads the background image (if supplied) and initializes all the color arrrays
(self)[source]¶ To compute the geodesic distance to the doors in using a fast-marching method. The opposite of the gradient of this distance corresponds to the desired velocity which permits to reach the closest door
- Returns
- door_distancenumpy array
distance to the closest door
- desired_velocity_Xnumpy array
opposite of the gradient of the door distance, x component
- desired_velocity_Ynumpy array
opposite of the gradient of the door distance, y component
(self)[source]¶ To compute the geodesic distance to the walls in using a fast-marching method
(self, id=1, dpi=150)[source]¶ To plot the computational domain
- Parameters
- idinteger
Figure id (number)
- dpiinteger
Figure resolution