# Authors:
# Sylvain Faure <sylvain.faure@math.u-psud.fr>
# Bertrand Maury <bertrand.maury@math.u-psud.fr>
# License: GPL
import scipy as sp
from scipy.misc import imread
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse, Circle, Rectangle, Polygon
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import PIL
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
import skfmm
[docs]class Domain():
To define the computational domain :
- a background : empty (white) or a PNG image which only \
contains the colors white, red (for the doors) and black \
(for the walls)
- supplementary doors represented by matplotlib shapes : \
- supplementary walls represented by matplotlib shapes : \
line2D, circle, ellipse, rectangle or polygon
To compute the obstacle distances and the desired velocities
pixel_size : float
size of a pixel in meters
width : int
width of the background image (number of pixels)
height : int
height of the background image (number of pixels)
xmin : float
x coordinate of the origin (bottom left corner)
xmax : float
xmax = xmin + width*pixel_size
ymin : float
y coordinate of the origin (bottom left corner)
ymax : float
ymax = ymin + height*pixel_size
X : numpy array
x coordinates (meshgrid)
Y : numpy array
y coordinates (meshgrid)
image : numpy array
pixel array (r,g,b,a)
The Pillow image is converted to a numpy arrays, then \
using flipud
the origin of the image is put it down left instead the \
top left
image_red : numpy array
red values of the image (r,g,b,a)
image_green : numpy array
green values of the image (r,g,b,a)
image_blue : numpy array
blue values of the image (r,g,b,a)
mask : numpy array
boolean array : true for black pixels
mask_id : numpy array
black pixel indices
wall_distance : numpy array
distance (m) to the wall
wall_grad_X : numpy array
gradient of the distance to the wall (first component)
wall_grad_Y : numpy array
gradient of the distance to the wall (second component)
door_distance : numpy array
distance (m) to the door
desired_velocity_X : numpy array
opposite of the gradient of the distance to the door : desired velocity \
(first component)
desired_velocity_Y : numpy array
opposite of the gradient of the distance to the door : desired velocity \
(second component)
- An example with a domain built using only shape elements :
- An example with a domain built using an image and shape elements :
def __init__(self, name = 'Domain', background = 'White', pixel_size = 1.0,
xmin = 0.0, width = 100,
ymin = 0.0, height = 100):
Constructor of a Domain object
name : string
domain name (default : 'Domain')
background : string
name of the background image (default : 'White', no image)
pixel_size : float
size of a pixel in meters (default : 1.0)
xmin : float
x coordinate of the origin, bottom left corner (default : 0.0)
ymin : float
y coordinate of the origin, bottom left corner (default : 0.0)
width : int
width of the background image (default : 100 pixels)
height : int
height of the background image (default : 100 pixels)
self.__walls = []
self.__doors = []
self.__image_filename = ''
self.__name = name
self.__background = background
self.pixel_size = pixel_size
self.xmin, self.ymin = [xmin, ymin]
if (self.__background != 'White'):
image = imread(self.__background)
self.width = image.shape[1] ## width = number of columns
self.height = image.shape[0] ## height = number of rows
self.width, self.height = [width, height]
self.xmax = self.xmin + self.width*pixel_size
self.ymax = self.ymin + self.height*pixel_size
self.X, self.Y = sp.meshgrid(sp.arange(self.width), sp.arange(self.height))
self.X = 0.5*self.pixel_size + self.xmin + self.X*self.pixel_size
self.Y = 0.5*self.pixel_size + self.ymin + self.Y*self.pixel_size
self.wall_distance = None
self.wall_grad_X = None
self.wall_grad_Y = None
self.desired_velocity_X = None
self.desired_velocity_Y = None
self.door_distance = None
[docs] def add_wall(self, shape):
To add a wall represented by matplotlib shapes : \
line2D, circle, ellipse, rectangle or polygon
shape : matplotlib shape
line2D, circle, ellipse, rectangle or polygon
[docs] def add_door(self, shape):
To add a door represented by matplotlib shapes : \
line2D (only)
shape : matplotlib shape
[docs] def build_domain(self):
To build the domain : reads the background image (if supplied) \
and initializes all the color arrrays
if (self.__background != 'White'):
image = Image.open(self.__background)
image = Image.new("RGB", (self.width, self.height), "white")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
for iw in self.__walls:
if ( isinstance(iw, Circle) or isinstance(iw, Ellipse) or
isinstance(iw, Rectangle) or isinstance(iw, Polygon)):
xy = iw.get_verts()/self.pixel_size
xy[:,1] = self.height - xy[:,1]
outline="rgb(0, 0, 0)", fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)")
elif isinstance(iw, Line2D):
linewidth = iw.get_linewidth()
xy = iw.get_xydata()/self.pixel_size
xy[:,1] = self.height - xy[:,1]
draw.line(sp.around(xy.flatten()).tolist(), width=int(linewidth),
fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)")
for id in self.__doors:
linewidth = id.get_linewidth()
xy = id.get_xydata()/self.pixel_size
xy[:,1] = self.height - xy[:,1]
draw.line(sp.around(xy.flatten()).tolist(), width=int(linewidth),
fill="rgb(255, 0, 0)")
self.__image_filename = self.__name+'_domain.png'
## Easy way to convert a Pillow image to numpy arrays...
## The origin of img is at the top (left) and flipud allows to put it down...
self.image = sp.flipud(imread(self.__image_filename))
self.image_red = self.image[:,:,0]
self.image_green = self.image[:,:,1]
self.image_blue = self.image[:,:,2]
self.mask = (self.image_red == 0) \
*(self.image_green == 0) \
*(self.image_blue == 0)
self.mask_id = sp.where( self.mask )
[docs] def compute_wall_distance(self):
To compute the geodesic distance to the walls in using \
a fast-marching method
phi = sp.ones(self.image_red.shape)
if (len(self.mask_id[0])>0):
phi[self.mask_id] = 0
self.wall_distance = skfmm.distance(phi, dx=self.pixel_size)
grad = sp.gradient(self.wall_distance,edge_order=2)
grad_X = grad[1]/self.pixel_size
grad_Y = grad[0]/self.pixel_size
norm = sp.sqrt(grad_X**2+grad_Y**2)
norm = (norm>0)*norm+(norm==0)*0.001
self.wall_grad_X = grad_X/norm
self.wall_grad_Y = grad_Y/norm
self.wall_distance = 1.0e99*sp.ones(self.image_red.shape)
[docs] def compute_desired_velocity(self):
To compute the geodesic distance to the doors in using \
a fast-marching method. The opposite of the gradient of this distance
corresponds to the desired velocity which permits to reach the closest
door_distance : numpy array
distance to the closest door
desired_velocity_X : numpy array
opposite of the gradient of the door distance, x component
desired_velocity_Y : numpy array
opposite of the gradient of the door distance, y component
mask_red = (self.image_red == 255) \
*(self.image_green == 0) \
*(self.image_blue == 0)
ind_red = sp.where( mask_red )
phi = sp.ones(self.image_red.shape)
phi[ind_red] = 0
phi = sp.ma.MaskedArray(phi, mask=self.mask)
self.door_distance = skfmm.distance(phi, dx=self.pixel_size)
tmp_dist = self.door_distance.filled(9999)
grad = sp.gradient(tmp_dist,edge_order=2)
grad_X = -grad[1]/self.pixel_size
grad_Y = -grad[0]/self.pixel_size
norm = sp.sqrt(grad_X**2+grad_Y**2)
norm = (norm>0)*norm+(norm==0)*0.001
self.desired_velocity_X = grad_X/norm
self.desired_velocity_Y = grad_Y/norm
return self.door_distance, self.desired_velocity_X, self.desired_velocity_Y
[docs] def plot(self,id=1,dpi=150):
To plot the computational domain
id : integer
Figure id (number)
dpi : integer
Figure resolution
fig = plt.figure(id)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
self.ymin,self.ymax], origin='lower')
[docs] def plot_wall_dist(self,id=1,dpi=150):
To plot the wall distances
id : integer
Figure id (number)
dpi : integer
Figure resolution
fig = plt.figure(id)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
extent=[self.xmin,self.xmax,self.ymin,self.ymax], origin='lower')
step = 10
ax1.quiver(self.X[::step, ::step],self.Y[::step, ::step],
self.wall_grad_X[::step, ::step],
self.wall_grad_Y[::step, ::step])
[docs] def plot_desired_velocity(self,id=1,dpi=150):
To plot the desired velocity
id : integer
Figure id (number)
dpi : integer
Figure resolution
fig = plt.figure(id)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
extent=[self.xmin,self.xmax,self.ymin,self.ymax], origin='lower')
step = 10
ax1.quiver(self.X[::step, ::step],self.Y[::step, ::step],
self.desired_velocity_X[::step, ::step],
self.desired_velocity_Y[::step, ::step])
def __str__(self):
To print the main caracteristics of a Domain object
return "--> "+self.__name+ \
" :\n dimensions : ["+str(self.xmin)+","+str(self.xmax)+"]x["+ \
str(self.ymin)+","+str(self.ymax)+"]"+ \
"\n width : "+str(self.width)+" height : "+str(self.height)+ \
"\n background image : "+str(self.__background)+ \
"\n image of the domain : "+str(self.__image_filename)+ \
"\n walls : "+str(self.__walls)+ \
"\n doors : "+str(self.__doors)