Welcome to cromosim’s documentation!

A Python Library for microscopic Crowd Motion Simulation.

The aim of this open source project is to allow users to run simulations based on several models (cellular automata, microscopic simulations or using compartments), to test new configurations, and even to investigate the possibility to program its own model in complex geometry : do-it yourself !

This package proposes Python implementations of the numerical methods detailed in the following book:


Crowds in equations: an introduction to the microscopic modeling of crowds” by B. Maury (ENS Ulm & Univ. Paris-Saclay) and S. Faure (CNRS), World Scientific 2018, Advanced textbooks in mathematics.

This documentation concerns the Release 2.X of cromosim. The old documentation corresponding to the Release 1.0 is available there: http://www.cromosim.fr/1.0

Main new features of the Release 2.X of cromosim (mainly concerning microscopic crowd modeling):

  • addition of a Destination class allowing to use a more elaborate color code: a door can be represented by a red line, another by a yellow line, etc …

  • possibility of having several elements of the Domain class. It is for example possible to define a domain per floor.

  • possibility of having several possible destinations for people and chaining them

  • possibility of defining stairs, thanks to the Destination class

  • during the initialization of groups of people, their radius and speed of movement can be defined with probability laws (normal or uniform). They are also assigned an initial destination.

Unfortunately these big changes break the backward compatibility with Release 1.0 scripts, at least for microscopic crowd modeling.

This documentation is hosted on a server of the Mathematics Department of Orsay (Univ. Paris-Saclay, France).

Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay Université Paris-Saclay CNRS

Github repository

Download the source code and the examples here:


How to use cromosim ?

You can either install the main modules with pip:

~$ pip install cromosim

and then manually download the files for one of the examples you’re interested in, such as

and finally, once you’ve retrieved the files, you can run the script:

~$ python micro_social.py --json input_room.json

Or clone the entire folder with git and install it manually:

~$ git clone git@github.com:sylvain-faure/cromosim.git
~$ cd cromosim
cromosim$ python setup.py install

and then try one of the scripts in the ‘examples’ folder:

cromosim$ cd examples/micro/social
cromosim/examples/micro/social$ python micro_social.py --json input_room.json

Examples for users

Documentation of the code

Indices and tables