Source code for cromosim.ftl

# Authors:
#     Sylvain Faure <>
#     Bertrand Maury <>
# License: GPL
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

[docs] def update_positions_ftl_order_1(L, X, t, dt, Phi, periodicity=True, V_leader=None): """ To update the positions according to the follow the leader model (order 1) Parameters ---------- L: float width of the domain X: numpy array coordinates of the individuals t: float time dt: float time step Phi: function speed as a function of the distance periodicity: boolean if true the domain is periodic V_leader: function leader velocity as a function of the time Returns ------- Xnew: numpy array new coordinates of the individuals V: numpy array new velocities of the individuals """ if periodicity: # No leader S = np.argsort(X) W = X[S[1:]] - X[S[:-1]] W = np.append(W, (X[S[0]]+L) - X[S[-1]]) V = Phi(W) Xnew = X[S] + dt*V Xnew1 = Xnew*(Xnew < L) + (Xnew-L)*(Xnew >= L) Xnew[S] = Xnew1 V1 = V V[S] = V1 else: # The last position in the array is the leader... W = X[1:]-X[:-1] VV = Phi(W) VL = V_leader(t) V = np.append(VV, VL) Xnew = X+dt*V return Xnew, V
[docs] def update_positions_ftl_order_2(L, X, U, t, dt, tau, Phi, periodicity=True, V_leader=None): """ To update the positions according to the follow the leader model (order 2) Parameters ---------- L: float width of the domain X: numpy array coordinates of the individuals U: numpy array velocities of the individuals t: float time dt: float time step tau: float the actual velocity of an individual relaxes toward the velocity that \ is associated to the current distance from the person in front of them \ with a characteristic time tau Phi: function speed as a function of the distance periodicity: boolean if true the domain is periodic V_leader: function leader velocity as a function of the time Returns ------- Xnew: numpy array new coordinates of the individuals Unew: numpy array new velocities of the individuals """ if periodicity: # No leader S = np.argsort(X) W = X[S[1:]]-X[S[:-1]] W = np.append(W, (X[S[0]]+L)-X[S[-1]]) V = Phi(W) Unew = U[S]+dt*(V-U[S])/tau Xnew = X[S]+dt*Unew Xnew1 = Xnew*(Xnew < L)+(Xnew-L)*(Xnew >= L) Xnew[S] = Xnew1 V1 = V V[S] = V1 Unew[S] = Unew else: # The last position in the array is the leader... Xnew = X+dt*U W = X[1:]-X[:-1] Unew = np.zeros(U.shape) Unew[:-1] = U[:-1] + dt*(Phi(W)-U[:-1])/tau Unew[-1] = V_leader(t) return Xnew, Unew
[docs] def plot_people(L, X, t, data, tgrid, periodicity=True, V_leader=None, speed_fct=None, savefig=False, filename='fig.png', ifig=100, spheresize=300): """ To plot people and their individual paths Parameters ---------- L: float width of the domain X: numpy array positions of the individuals data: numpy array coordinates of indviduals at each time tgrid: numpy array temporal discretization periodicity: boolean if true the domain is periodic V_leader: function leader velocity as a function of the time speed_fct: function speed as a function of the distance savefig: boolean writes the figure as a png file if true filename: string png filename used to write the figure ifig: int figure number spheresize: int size of the spheres used to represent the individuals """ N = X.shape[0] XY = np.zeros((N, 2)) XY[:, 0] = X itmax = np.where(tgrid <= t)[0].max() fig = plt.figure(ifig, figsize=(16, 9)) fig.clf() if periodicity: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) else: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(231) ax1.set_xlim(0, L) ax1.set_ylim(-0.5, 0.5) ax1.set_yticks([]) ax1.set_xlabel('x') colors = np.arange(N)/N colors = np.ones(N) ax1.scatter(XY[:, 0], XY[:, 1], c=colors, s=spheresize, edgecolor='None', marker='.', cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), norm=plt.Normalize(-0.2, 1)) line = Line2D([0, 0], [-0.05, 0.05], lw=3., alpha=1, c='k') ax1.add_line(line) line = Line2D([L, L], [-0.05, 0.05], lw=3., alpha=1, c='k') ax1.add_line(line) if (periodicity is False): ax3 = fig.add_subplot(233) ax3.plot(tgrid, V_leader(tgrid)) ax3.set_xlabel('time') ax3.set_ylabel('Leader velocity') ax3.plot(t, V_leader(t), 'ko') wgrid = np.linspace(0, L, 500) if periodicity: ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222) else: ax2 = fig.add_subplot(232) ax2.plot(wgrid, speed_fct(wgrid)) S = np.argsort(X) W = X[S[1:]] - X[S[:-1]] if periodicity: W = np.append(W, (X[S[0]]+L) - X[S[-1]]) ax2.plot(W, speed_fct(W), 'ko') ax2.set_xlabel('distance') ax2.set_ylabel('speed') if periodicity: ax4 = fig.add_subplot(223) else: ax4 = fig.add_subplot(234) for ip in np.arange(N): ax4.plot(tgrid[:itmax], data[ip, 0, :itmax]) ax4.set_ylim(0, max(L, data[:, 0, :itmax].max())) ax4.set_xlim(tgrid.min(), tgrid.max()) ax4.set_xlabel('time') ax4.set_ylabel('x') if periodicity: ax5 = fig.add_subplot(224) else: ax5 = fig.add_subplot(235) Y = np.linspace(0, 0.25*L*N, num=N) for ip in np.arange(N-1): ax5.plot(tgrid[:itmax], Y[ip]+(data[ip+1, 0, :itmax]-data[ip, 0, :itmax])) if periodicity: d0 = data[0, 0, :itmax] dN = data[N-1, 0, :itmax] ax5.plot(tgrid[:itmax], Y[-1]+(d0 < dN)*(d0+L-dN)+(d0 >= dN)*(d0-dN)) ax5.set_yticks([]) ax5.set_xlim(tgrid.min(), tgrid.max()) ax5.set_xlabel('time') ax5.set_ylabel('distances') fig.set_tight_layout(True) if (savefig): fig.savefig(filename, dpi=150)