Try a cellular automata

Try a cellular automataΒΆ

Cellular Automata models are microscopic in the sense that agents are represented individually, but they are also natively discrete in both space and time. In space, agents are identified to particles located in cells of a fixed cartesian grid, with an exclusion rule (one particle at most in each cell). In time, the evolution consists of a succession of steps, i.e. positions of particles are updated one after the other, in a stochastic manner.

Reference : [MF2018] Chapter 5.

A cellular automata example can be found in the directory


and can be run with:

python3 --json input.json


Cellular automata : simple example, an evacuation

cellular automata : paths of all individuals
The lines represent the paths of all the individuals


# Authors:
#     Sylvain Faure <>
#     Bertrand Maury <>
#      cromosim/examples/cellular_automata/
#      python --json input.json
# License: GPL

import sys, os
from cromosim import *
from import *
from optparse import OptionParser
import json

    python3 --json input.json
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] filename",version="%prog 1.0")
                  action="store",help="Input json filename")
opt, remainder = parser.parse_args()
print("===> JSON filename = ",opt.jsonfilename)
with open(opt.jsonfilename) as json_file:
    input = json.load(json_file)

    Get parameters from json file :

    name: string
        Domain name
    prefix: string
        Folder name to store the results
    background: string
        Image file used as background
    px: float
        Pixel size in meters (also called space step)
    width: integer
        Domain width (equal to the width of the background image)
    height: integer
        Domain height (equal to the height of the background image)
    wall_lines : list of numpy arrays
        Polylines used to build walls, [ [[x0,x1,x2,...],[y0,y1,y2,...]],... ]
    wall_ellipses : list of numpy arrays
        Ellipses used to build walls, [ [x_center,y_center, width, height, \
        angle_in_degrees_anti-clockwise],... ]
    wall_polygons : list of numpy arrays
        Polygons used to build walls, [ [[x0,x1,x2,...],[y0,y1,y2,...]],... ]
    wall_lines : list of numpy arrays
        Polylines used to build walls, [ [[x0,x1,x2,...],[y0,y1,y2,...]],... ]
    door_lines: list of numpy arrays
        Polylines used to build doors, [ [[x0,x1,x2,...],[y0,y1,y2,...]],... ]
    update_strategy: string
            Rules used to move the individuals : 'sequential' or 'parallel'
    seed: integer
        Random seed which can be used to reproduce a random selection if >0
    Np: integer
        Number of persons
    kappa: float
        Parameter for Static Floor Field
    Tf: float
        Final time
    dt: float
        Time step
    drawper: integer
        The results will be displayed every "drawper" iterations

name = input["name"]
prefix = input["prefix"]
if not os.path.exists(prefix):
background = input["background"]
px = input["px"]
width = input["width"]
height = input["height"]
wall_lines = input["wall_lines"]
wall_ellipses = input["wall_ellipses"]
wall_polygons = input["wall_polygons"]
door_lines = input["door_lines"]
seed = input["seed"]
Np = input["Np"]
update_strategy = input["update_strategy"]
kappa = input["kappa"]
Tf = input["Tf"]
dt = input["dt"]
drawper = input["drawper"]
print("===> Number of persons = ",Np)
print("===> Final time, Tf = ",Tf)
print("===> Time step, dt = ",dt)
print("===> To draw the results each drawper iterations, drawper = ",drawper)

    Build the Domain

## To create an Domain object
if (background==""):
    dom = Domain(name=name, pixel_size=px, width=width, height=height)
    dom = Domain(name=name, background=background, pixel_size=px)
## To add lines : Line2D(xdata, ydata, linewidth)
for xy in wall_lines:
    line = Line2D( xy[0],xy[1], linewidth=1)
## To add ellipses : Ellipse( (x_center,y_center), width, height,
##                             angle_in_degrees_anti-clockwise )
for e in wall_ellipses:
    ellipse = Ellipse( (e[0], e[1]), e[2], e[3], e[4])
## To add polygons : Polygon( xy )
for p in wall_polygons:
    polygon = Polygon(p)
## To add doors :
for xy in door_lines:
    line = Line2D( xy[0],xy[1], linewidth=1)
## To build the domain : background + shapes
## To compute the distance to the walls
## To compute the desired velocity
## To show the domain dimensions
print("===> Domain : ",dom)
print("===> Wall lines : ",wall_lines)
print("===> Door lines : ",door_lines)


## Current time
t = 0

people =,width),dtype=int), mask=dom.mask)

## Number of cells
Nc = height*width - dom.mask_id[0].shape[0]
print("===> Number of cells = ",Nc)

## People initialisation taking to account masked positions
rng = sp.random.RandomState()
if (seed>0):
    rng = sp.random.RandomState(seed)
print("===> seed  = ",rng.get_state()[1][0])

s = 0
if (Nc<height*width):
    imin = dom.mask_id[0].min()+1
    imax = dom.mask_id[0].max()-1
    jmin = dom.mask_id[1].min()+1
    jmax = dom.mask_id[1].max()-1
    imin = 0; imax = height
    jmin = 0; jmax = width
while (s != Np):[rng.randint(imin,imax+1,Np-s),
    #            rng.randint(jmin+int(0.25*(jmax-jmin)),
    #                        jmax-int(0.25*(jmax-jmin))+1,Np-s)] = 1[rng.randint(imin,imax+1,Np-s),rng.randint(jmin,jmax+1,Np-s)] = 1
    s = sp.sum(people)
ind = sp.where(people==1)
people_ij = -sp.ones((Np,2),dtype=int)# i(0<=i<=height-1) j(0<=j<=width-1)
people_ij[:,0] = ind[0]
people_ij[:,1] = ind[1]
#print("===> Init : people_ij = ",people_ij)

## Array to store the results
results = sp.copy(people_ij).reshape((Np,2,1))

## Static Floor Field
weight = sp.exp(-kappa*dom.door_distance)

cc = 0
iter = 0

plot_people_according_to_current_door_distance(1, people, dom,
    savefig=True, filename=prefix+'/cellular_automata_'+str(iter).zfill(6)+'.png')
#plot_people_according_to_initial_door_distance(2, people, dom, results)

while (sp.sum(people)>0):
    if (update_strategy == "parallel"):
        people, people_ij = parallel_update(people, people_ij, weight,
                                            friction = 0)
    elif (update_strategy == "sequential"):
        people, people_ij = sequential_update(people, people_ij, weight,
                                              shuffle='random', randomstate = rng)
        print("Bad value for update strategy... EXIT")
    people, people_ij = exit(dom, people, people_ij)
    results = sp.concatenate((results,people_ij.reshape((Np,2,1))), axis=2)
    t += dt
    cc += 1
    iter += 1
    print("========> time = ",t," number of persons = ",sp.sum(people))
    if (cc>=drawper):
        plot_people_according_to_current_door_distance(1, people, dom,
            savefig=True, filename=prefix+'/cellular_automata_'+str(iter).zfill(6)+'.png')
        #plot_people_according_to_initial_door_distance(2, people, dom, results)
        cc = 0

#plot_people_according_to_current_door_distance(1, people, dom)
#plot_people_according_to_initial_door_distance(2, people, dom, results)
#plot_people_according_to_exit_times(3, dt, people, dom, results)
plot_people_paths(2, dt, px, people, dom, results,
                  savefig=True, filename=prefix+'/cellular_automata_paths.png')