# Authors:
# Sylvain Faure <sylvain.faure@math.u-psud.fr>
# Bertrand Maury <bertrand.maury@math.u-psud.fr>
# License: GPL
import sys
import scipy as sp
from scipy.misc import imread
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Arc, Polygon, Wedge
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection, PatchCollection
[docs]def iteration(it,Nrooms,DoorRoomCapacity,NPir,NPrir,NPwir,Nior,List_iOr,T_iOr,Flux):
To run one iteration (which corresponds to 1 second) of the compartment \
model. The compartments shall be identified to nodes of a network, those \
nodes are connected by edges, which correspond to paths between nodesself.
it: integer
iteration number
Nrooms: int
number of rooms
DoorRoomCapacity: numpy array
capacities of each door (number of persons per second)
NPir: numpy array
numbers of persons for each room
NPrir: numpy array
inlets for each room
NPwir: numpy array
numbers of persons who are waiting to leave each room
Nior: numpy array
numbers of inlets for each room
List_iOr: numpy array
room numbers associated to the inlets for each room
T_iOr: numpy array
travel times to cross each room
Flux: numpy array
numbers of persons upstream the exits
Flux: numpy array
new numbers of persons upstream the exits
NPir: numpy array
new numbers of persons for each room
NPwir: numpy array
new numbers of persons who are waiting to leave each room
NPrir: numpy array
new inlets for each room
for ir in sp.arange(Nrooms):
for ir in sp.arange(Nrooms):
NPir[it,ir] = NPir[it-1,ir]-Flux[it,ir]
NPwir[it,ir] = NPwir[it-1,ir]-Flux[it,ir]
for k in sp.arange(Nior[ir]):
NPir[it,ir] += Flux[it,int(List_iOr[ir,k])]
timelag = int(T_iOr[ir,k])
if timelag < it :
NPrir[ir,k] = 0
for i in sp.arange(min(it,timelag)):
NPrir[ir,k] += Flux[it-i,int(List_iOr[ir,k])]
return Flux,NPir,NPwir,NPrir
[docs]def plot_compt(ifig, RoomNames, RoomCenters, DoorCenters, CircAngles, NPir,
NPrir, NPwir, Nior,List_iOr, dom, area, savefig=False,
filename='fig.png', title=''):
To draw
ifig : int
figure number
RoomNames: list
number of rooms
RoomCenters: numpy array
coordinates of the room centers
DoorCenters: numpy array
coordinates of the door centers
CircAngles: numpy array
rotational angles of the half-disks localized at each door
NPir: numpy array
numbers of persons for each room
NPrir: numpy array
inlets for each room
NPwir: numpy array
numbers of persons who are waiting to leave each room
Nior: numpy array
numbers of inlets for each room
List_iOr: numpy array
room numbers associated to the inlets for each room
dom: Domain
contains everything for managing the domain
area: float
typical area size in m^2 of one individual
savefig: boolean
writes the figure as a png file if true
filename: string
png filename used to write the figure
title: string
title of the figure
Nr = DoorCenters.shape[0]
ax0 = plt.subplot(111)
cf0 = ax0.imshow(dom.image,interpolation='nearest',
extent=[dom.xmin,dom.xmax,dom.ymin,dom.ymax], origin='lower')
circles0 = [];
colors0 = [];
m2 = NPir*area ## surface demi-cercle = pi*R^2/2 = m2 => R = sqrt(2*m2/pi)
R = sp.sqrt(2*m2/sp.pi)
scale = 1
for id,name in enumerate(RoomNames):
wedge = Wedge((DoorCenters[id,0], DoorCenters[id,1]), R[id],
0+CircAngles[id], 180+CircAngles[id], ec="none")
ax0.text(RoomCenters[id,0], RoomCenters[id,1],
str(int(NPir[id])), fontsize=10)
#arc = Arc((DoorCenters[id,0], DoorCenters[id,1]), \
# R[id], R[id], theta1=0, theta2=180, \
# angle=CircAngles[id], color='k')
for ir in sp.arange(Nr):
for id in sp.arange(Nior[ir]):
jr = List_iOr[ir,id]
xx0 = DoorCenters[ir,0]
yy0 = DoorCenters[ir,1]
xx1 = DoorCenters[jr,0]
yy1 = DoorCenters[jr,1]
## line : [xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1]
len = sp.sqrt( (xx0-xx1)**2+(yy0-yy1)**2 )
s = 0.5*NPrir[ir,id]*area/len
circles0.append(Polygon( sp.array([[xx0-s,yy0],[xx0+s,yy0], \
[xx1+s,yy1],[xx1-s,yy1]]), \
closed=True, fill=True))
# for line in Lines:
# ##l : [xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1]
# s = l[]
# circles0.append(Polygon(sp.array([[],[]]), True)
patches0 = PatchCollection(circles0, cmap=matplotlib.cm.prism, alpha=0.6,
if savefig:
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300)